+62 85339375401 [email protected]

Volunteers in June 2022!

We have been so delighted to have had some wonderful volunteers come join us in June this year. After an incredibly challenging 3 years with the arrival of Covid-19, it has truly been a blessing to feel the warmth and support of new volunteers coming to Bright Course...
Cerita Singkat Kesuksesan Alumni Lembaga BC

Cerita Singkat Kesuksesan Alumni Lembaga BC

I am from Keluncing small village of Teratak Village North Batukliang district, Regency of Central Lombok. I studied at BC in 2012 start from 1st May 2012 till 30th  November 2012 Join English course for regular class for sixth months. The reason why I and we must...
Lembaga BC Diakreditasi Dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja RI

Lembaga BC Diakreditasi Dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja RI

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT! Alhamdulillah Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Bahasa, Komputer, dan Pariwisata-Perhotelan dikareditasi tahun ini tepatnya pada tanggal 04 Juli 2019. Merupakan sebuah kebanggan bagi Lembaga BC mendapatkan kesempatan yang sangat...