just some of our success stories
Bright Course is extremely proud of its past students, many of whom are working full time in 5* resorts; building their skills and living in a brighter future.
Read Our Alumni Quotes
Here, you will learn about how our students study at our foundation and their success stories.

Purchasing at BelAir Resort & Spa, Gili Air
Full Name: Hilmi Zor’an
Finished Bright Course: December, 2018
Job or Training: April, 2019
“I was a student at BRIGHT COURSE (BC) FOUNDATION in June 2018, I studied for 6 six month and got many things at BC and I was happy to study at BC Foundation because I know how the way to talk in English because at BC we study with some tourists, volunteers, or native speakers also. After six months I got training at BEL AIR RESORT AND SPA in Gili Air for three months as a waiter and after that I directly had got job as waiter at MUSA COOKRY in Gili Air for two months and then the manager of BEL AIR HOTEL Resort and Spa invited me return to work there because and now I work as a purchasing at BEL AIR RESORT AND SPA . BC teach us about perfect English and also how the way to work and many things until I get a job.”

Front Desk Agent at BelAir Resort & Spa, Gili Air
Full Name: Sahiban
Finished Bright Course: December, 2018
Job or Training: April, 2018
“Hi there !
my name is Ibhan, i am one of student of Mr.Tony who has a course namely BC (Bright Course) , BC is the greatest among other course, I tried to learn English in many places , I compare it and the only BC is best one as long as i learn English , in BC has own way how we master of every single thing, especially learning English , BC also has some superiority in pronunciation and we can directly practice our English with bule or western people, we will teach by the tutor in two accents the first one is British accent, this accent difficult but easy, in fact you will be able and master English and the second one, american accent , this accent is common accent that every course use. here BC will teach you both in completely , so i advise you if you are looking for a course that guide you until 100% BC is the solution , I was finished on December and since finishing on job training i hired by the hotel directly until now in Bel Air resort and spa ,I am as Front Desk Agent & we are pleased you to come and register your self to our foundation in Tanak Beak Village .and do not ever never judge something from the cover only before you try it . English well open well future.
BC for our brighter Future !”

Businessman & English Teacher at BC, Lombok
Full Name: Muhammad Baehaqi
Finished Bright Course: December, 2014
Job or Training: April, 2015
Hi everyone, my Name is Muhammad Baehaqi, I was the first student and the first teacher that helped Mr Tony on teaching the students, I started my study at BC since I was at the second grade of Junior Islamic High School, it was in 2009.
While studying at BC I continued my study to Vocational High School (SMKN 1 Batukliang) I took program of Multimedia.
Mr Tony has good method in teaching fast, easy, and lots of fun.
He prepared me to be a tutor at his foundation BC, I studied day and night and even I stayed at his house, so in few years after he trusted me as his assistance to help teaching for basic class.
Thanks God, then I had finished my study in 2014 and become a teacher for BC, I also taught lots of the Alumnus which are working now and I teach guiding knowledge for hospitality class.
Here are some of my jobs after learning at BC
1. Host TV traveler in Nusa Tv.
2. Film maker at Yufid.Tv
3. Farming Manager corporation with western people
4. Teacher at BC Foundation
5. Cameraman at Lumbung Production
6. TV Operator at TV satu (local).
7. And now I am doing business, farming, and teaching so I have more time for my families.
Those are the results after studying at BC. If you guys want to study English, BC is my recommendation for you to start your career.
BC=For our brighter future!”

Barman at Brother Bar, Gili Trawangan
Full Name: Yogi Hendrawan (Ogik)
Finished Bright Course: December, 2018
Job or Training: April, 2019
“Hay ! My name is Ogik, I graduated from MA NW 2018. At first, I really hated English lesson, but one day my school collaborated with an institution namely Bright course (BC) Foundation which is led by Mr. Toni and the results were very satisfying for our school and since then I started thinking “Waoooo it turns out English is cool and very benefit for my future I thought ” And after I graduated from MA NW Peseng I immediately talked to my parents to bring me to enroll to BC Foundation.
As time goes by, I like and study more actively in English because at BC we are not taught only languages, but we are taught how to behave, respect people, and be strong mentally for our brighter future.
Studying at BC is cool ! So if anyone has problem about English or you have studied somewhere but only could speak English little, I recommend to join us to our Foundation Bright Course (BC)”

Barman & Waiter at Brother Bar, Gili Trawangan
Full Name: Muhammad Kabir
Finished Bright Course: December, 2018
Job or Training: April, 2019
“I am from very rural village Gawah Jepun Aik Bukak Village, Kec Batukliang Utara, Central Lombok. You can call me Mr. Kabir. I wash born in Gawah Jepun 20th of June 1998. Let me tell you about my experience, actually i couldn’t speak English and I did not have any job before joining BC Foundation. I knew a friend the same village with me that worked at a hotel as bellman at Aston Hotel Gili Trawangan, his name is Isron, I met him one day and he suggested me to study to BC. Then I told my father then went together to BC to register. BC taught me about many things such as English language, tourism, and hospitality around 1 year started Juli to Desember 2018, and after that i took on the Job Training at Aston Hotel in Gili Trawangan around 3 months from December to March 2018. After I finished I tried to look for a job to other place and I got the job as barman at Brother Bar Gili Trawangan. Thanks so much BC and Mr. Tony, now i can speak English and have a job. I love BC so much !”

Barman & Waiter at Eragon Pandawa Resort, Gili Trawangan
Full Name: Indra Wahyudi
Finished Bright Course: December, 2018
Job or Training: April, 2019
“Hi everybody! I’m Indra Wahyudi. I come from Peseng Wajegeseng Village District of Kopang.Long time ago I had bad experience when I met with some people from other countries and then every time I tried to practice to speak to them I didn’t understand what did they say about to me , so I just give smile and then went way, I felt very ashamed.Since then I optimist to learn English and looked for a place to study. I tried to find and some course places but really hard to find the best one which I wanted. In the end one day I saw a posting on Facebook about Bright Course (BC) Foundation, without thinking long I directly went to BC foundation even though I wasn’t sure if it is the best with my friends. When I arrived, I saw many volunteers and also Native Speakers from abroad came helping teaching, I and my friends were very happy and decided to register directly.
I studied and stayed at BC for 6 months and a lot of knowledge and new things I got from BC, one of them i got friends from aboard such as London, America, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Australia, and also I got knowledge how to work at hotel or hospitality industry.
Because only at BC we will be taught how to pronounce the English language properly and correctly and only at BC we are taught about tajwid (phonology) in English and also I studied at BC because I wanted to be able to speak English well and the most important thing is I wanted to work on a cruise ship someday and certainly in the world of English speaking tourism is one way to communicate with guests from abroad. After studying at BC then I got on the job training at Aruna Senggigi Resorts & Convention as a barman and waiter for 6 months, after 6 months I got job at Eragon Pandawa Resort Gili Trawangan as bartender and waiter. So whoever want to be able to speak English and want to work at tourism, hotel, or hospitality industries please register yourself to BC. Trust me, I am the proof!
Register yourself to our foundation at Tanak Beak Village District North Batukliang Central Lombok.”

Barman & Waiter at Lebistro, Gili Air
Full Name: Agus Satriawan
Finished Bright Course: December, 2017
Job or Training: May, 2019
Hay guys! I graduated from Bright Course (BC) Foundation in December 2017. I am happy and feels lucky because I had studied at BC. Why I said like that? Because, there we studied with lots of happiness and togetherness. And I will say thanks a lot for my lovely teacher there Mr. Tony, he has perfect methods in teaching us, and then he taught me also about good attitude for sure. One more time thank you Mr. Toni ! I studied at BC around 6 months. After that, I had training at Hotel Ombak Paradise (the biggest hotel in Gili Air) for about 3 months as a bartender and then i got daily worker there in middle of 2017. But, in 27 August i was stop working there because of Lombok earthquake destroyed everything. But now I am working at Lebistro Gili Air as a Bartender. I always remember our yel-yel at BC:
✓Studying at BC : We are happy !
✓Learning at BC : We will be success !
✓ BC. : For our brighter future !
✓ Bright Course : We can because you care !
I LOVE ❤ BC !”

Bellboy at Ombak Sunset Hotel, Gili T
Full Name: Ahmad Sarjan
Finished Bright Course: July, 2015
Job or Training: January, 2016
“Today I’d like to tell you my stories When I was studying at BRIGHT COURSE (BC) FOUNDATION Okay, Why I interested to learn English.
the simple answer, because English is International Language and most of the Country used, communicate with this language and We get easy job after. Exactly In 1st January 2016 to 1st July 01st 2016. On 29th December 2016 I apply on job Training at HOTEL OMBAK SUNSET G.Trawangan to be BELL BOY, and after 3 months I got Daily Worker. I was so lucky become a Bellboy, because the BELLBOY I could speak a lot with the Costumer from another Country, Exactly Used English.
Thanks GOD and BC
BC is the best choice for learning English.
Lets come to BC Foundation to learn English and hospitality to get a job at hotel as like me.”

Asst. Manager at PT. Akasia Villas, Gili Air
Full Name: Haerudin
Finished Bright Course: December, 2016
Job or Training: April, 2017
“BC is a superb institution ever.
I love Mr. Tony as a great teacher, he always find his own fun way to deliver English lesson to his students. If he didn’t do this to me, I might be not standing as a one who can work professionally. What I can tell you my friend, during my learning process, I felt like incredible in learning with the class.”

Village Officer & English Teacher, Lantan Village
Full Name: Edi Susanto, S.PdI
Finished Bright Course: December, 2015
Job or Training: April, 2016
“I had so many experiences studied at BC such as how to handle the customers which visiting BC Foundation, met lots of tourists and also we were always given motivation as to how to be successful people basically if you want to be successful to learn English and hospitality I recommend to join BC, because BC is one of the foundations in Lombok which is training and building up character of someone and also a place to find more friends”

Housekeeping at Mola-Mola Resort, Gili Air
Full Name: Hamdan Hatami (Mr. Tooth)
Finished Bright Course: December, 2017
Job or Training: March, 2018
“Why l choose BC Fundation? because l want to be able speaking English well as like the other friends/alumni whom graduated and success working at some hospitality field as like hotel, restaurant, travel agent, villas, etc. Some priorities of BC I can say about:
1. We have opportunity to practice our English with some visitors or native speakers. 2. BC is different than other school/institution, BC has family system for teaching and always care to each other.3. We study not only in the classroom but sometimes we go study outside as like to waterfall, blue lake, beaches, garden, or climbing Mountain Rinjani. 4. BC is about fun, always do joking and sometimes when sleeping capture the pictures, and of course it is only for fun !
I invite all of you to join Bright Course Foundation
Spirit my lembaga BC !”

English Teacher at My Village, Karang Sidemen
Full Name: Ermawati
Finished Bright Course: July, 2017
Job or Training: March, 2018
“I was a student at BRIGHT COURSE, when i was there i got a lot of lessons and until now i can feel the benefit of my study at the Bright Course (BC). I have more knowledge, especially in field of English which helps me in achieving the future, and also because of it , I was very easy for me when I was studying at my formal school.
I am very grateful to Mr.Tony because of him i can find it easier to find a job after I graduated from high school.
Now I have my own project to share English to the kids in my village. Thank you BC and also especially Mr. Tony ! I love study at Bright Course (BC) ❤”

Receptionist at Yuli's Homestay, Kuta Lombok
Full Name: Ahmad Ayyasy Surya Saputra
Finished Bright Course: July, 2016
Job or Training: March, 2018
“Two years after finishing my study at BC I work at a home stay as receptionist located in Jl. kuta Mandalika Lombok in the center of Kuta Lombok, my working place name is Yulis homestay then after that now I work in a private company that aims to improve human resources or what we commonly know as cooperation, Thank you so much BC and Mr. Tony for everything !”

State Islamic University (UIN), Mataram
Full Name: Mulkini
Finished Bright Course: July, 2016
Job or Training: March, 2017
“Now I am continuing my study on State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram. And I say thank to my teacher at BC who has taught me about Basic English so it helpful when I entered to University and thanks to God I can get high score that about 3.82. Also I am a teacher now MA Al-Jamil Bare Eleh while studying at my college.
I joined BC because I wanted to know English specially my target on speaking but when I joined at BC, it made make me wanted to know English deeply. So, thank you so much to BC and Mr. Tony. Because of you I can like nowadays !”

English Teacher & Tour Guide, at Elementary School Riyadlul Wardiyah Kerandangan
Full Name: Nasrullah, S.Pd
Finished Bright Course: March, 2011
Job or Training: April, 2011
“Study at BC is a right choice for our future. I am still remember what a wise words Mr.Toni said to me “learn for all lessons and fight for on lesson you may like to master” and I decided to master about English fortunately I toke course at BC and I was the first alumnus, Mr.Toni is very welcome teacher for everybody who want to learn English and he is very professional. He teaches English with right grammar and pronunciation. All graduation from BC have no doubt in their English skills, I am proud as a part of BC and got good knowledge about English until BC made me what I am Now “as English teacher”. Thank you very much Mr.Toni you are a great person that I found in my life”

Room boy at Ombak Sunset Hotel , Gili Trawangan
Full Name: Munahir
Finished Bright Course: July, 2015
Job or Training: November, 2015
“I am really happy be a part of BC. the reason why I study at BC Foundation because it is located in the village and I could focus to study and also many of my friends from my village join BC because they said BC is the best place to study English and hospitality. At BC we could meet with many tourists/volunteers helping teaching so it is very easy to practice with westerners. I recommend you guys to join BC if you want to have perfect English .”

Waiter at Akasia Bungalow , Gili Air
Full Name: Zulkifli
Finished Bright Course: December, 2015
Job or Training: April, 2016
“I am one of the student of Mr. Tony graduated in 2015, BC is the greatest among other course, I tried to learn English in many places , I compare it and the only BC is best one as long as I learn English, BC has its own way how we master of every single thing, especially learning English, BC also has some superiority especially in pronunciation and we can directly practice our English with bule or native speakers, we would be taught by the tutors in various accents for instance British accent, this accent difficult but easy, in fact here you will be able and master English the second language , this accent is common accent that every course use. here BC will teach you all in completely. So I advise you if you are looking for a course that guide you until 100% BC is the right solution, I finished in December 2015 and then got on job training I directly work at Intan Inn Hostel, Aston Hotel in Trawangan and also I worked at Damai Homestay in Gili Air and after that to Akasia in Gili Air & we are pleased if you come and register yourself to our foundation in Tanak Beak Village. And do not ever never judge something from the cover only before you try it . Good luck !
BC For Our Brighter Future !”

Study to China For Sholarship
Full Name: Arya Malindo Hadi Saputra
Finished Bright Course: August, 2019
Job or Training:
“Hey guys!
My name is Arya and I am a student at BC. I learn English at BC it’s about 6 months and now i able to speak English and will go to study to China University to get scholarship. At BC we taught by native, so we can understand easily and we can practice our English directly.
Why i learn English at BC ? Because i know English is an International language, English is so important for our future, and I know BC is the best place to gain English knowledge because BC has proven many alumni could master English and also get jobs at some hospitality sectors.
My suggestion. Lets learn English from now at BC Foundation, because you will need it so much for your future.
Learn English is easy at BC and lots of fun”

Freelance Photographer, Lombok
Full Name: Andrian Cahyadi Putra
Finished Bright Course: August, 2015
Job or Training: January, 2016
“Hi Everyone !
BC is one of the best foundation which the best programs also. At BC you can improve your English every single day !
Wish BC Better in the future and be the front!”

Shop Keeper at KnickKnac, Mataram Lombok
Full Name: Desika Rahmawati
Finished Bright Course: March, 2015
Job or Training: January, 2016
“Almost three years l took course at Bright Course (BC) Foundation, l stopped my study at BC when l wanted to graduate at my Senior High School of Nurul Mujahiddin NW West Sintung, then l continued my study to Darul Mujahiddin Islamic Boarding House NW Mataram stayed at the dormitory over there. For the first time in my life l had experience of teaching when l was told to do presentation by my teacher at BC, and my second teaching experience was when l was told to share English lesson by my sister at the Musholla for the kids in my village. I continued my study to Darul Mujahiddin Islamic Boarding House NW Mataram. When I was at the second grade of high school, for the third time at my dormitory school caregivers invited me to share English to my friends every evening after Isya prayer and thanks god until now l am still teaching at my boarding school and at that time l felt very grateful and never forget to say thanks full to Allah and all of my teachers especially (BC & Mr. Tony) who had taught me about the English language, I feel very proud and l could finally share my little of my knowledge from my learning experiences during the demands knowledge at Bright Course (BC). So, lets guys what are waiting for ? Come to join BC for our brighter future !”

Sales Marketing & Admin at Gili Life Magazine, Gili Air
Full Name: Suhendi Hafizi
Finished Bright Course: May, 2012
Job or Training: January, 2019
“I am from Keluncing small village of Teratak Village North Batukliang district, Regency of Central Lombok. I studied at BC in 2012 start from 1st May 2012 till 30th November 2012 Join English course for regular class for sixth months. The reason why I learn at BC because of some of my logical reasons: The first Mr.Tony is the Master of English he teach very well and easy to understand to all his students. The second he teach us about how to make good pronunciation to imitate native speakers and it make us feel confidence to speak to the foreigners. The third BC has lot of program as like Hiking Rinjani Mountain, Camping, Study Tour and etc, and it supports us to be faster able in English.
Here are some of my jobs after I learning at BC:
1.On the Job training in living Asia Senggigi as waiter for 3 months in 2013
2.Intan Inn Hotel & Resto – Gili Trawangan : Receptionist in 2013-2015
3. Blue Marlin Dive – Gili Trawangan, Lombok Font Desk Agent in 2016
4. Samba Villas – Gili Trawangan, Lombok Front Office Manager in 2016-2018
5. Private Bali Of Villas as Butler in 2018
6. Gili Life Magazine Gili Air as Sales And Marketing in 2019
7. Blue Water Property and investment Gili Air As Admin and Sales Marketing in 2019 until now
My advice if you want to be able speak English well and learn about hospitality and to have opportunity working to hotel, tourism sector Let’s join Bright Course (BC) Foundation”